What If? Declaring Variables in If Statements, and the Curiosities of Scope That Follows šŸ”­

tl;dr: Variables declared in if statement conditions are accessible in the else statement as well.

Like all good blog posts, this one first came to me while I was banging my head against the keyboard, cursing and screaming out for a maternal figure to hold me while I incoherently babbled about a crash caused by seemingly-nonsensical code.

ā€œThis shouldnā€™t compile! This CANā€™T compile!ā€

And yet, despite the odds, C++ had decided yet again to show me a new side of it. Please take a moment to peruse the following example code, based on the original that caused me such pain, and see if you can spot the bug that causes a nullptr exception.

Of course, to compile this properly we need some further definitions. Check out https://repl.it/@Winwardo/IfElse-Chain-With-Bug for the full example.

To save you the trouble, the error is on line 12, where I attempt to access asDerivedA->predicate.

Thatā€™s right: despite declaring asDerivedA in a separate if statement above, Iā€™m able to access it in an else/if statements below. No, this is not a compiler bug; this is clearly and unambiguously defined in the C++ specification. Before we get to that, letā€™s take a look at some code.

If youā€™re new to the syntax thatā€™s used in the code sample, if (int i = 5) { is a perfectly valid way of declaring and defining a variable, then using it inside the given if statement. It allows us to write terser, clearer code, while also avoiding limiting the scope of a variable. Itā€™s good practise to keep the scope of a variable as small as possible, both to avoid accidental re-use, and to lower the mental overhead on future programmers.

Wait, what's scope?

If youā€™ve not come across the term before, the scope of a variable is the code itā€™s accessible in. Variables defined within a function, if statement, or other control block are scoped to that block. This is important to stop us accidentally re-using variables that were declared elsewhere in code.

The concept of a scope is used in most languages ā€” all major languages, including C++, Javascript, C#, Rust, even Haskell, have a concept of scope. Note that specific definitions and rules vary from language to language.

You might have also heard of global scope ā€” this is where a variable is accessible from anywhere, inside or outside a function or block. This is considered poor practise in many cases.

Whatā€™s happening when we declare inside an if statement? šŸæļø

Scope in C++ isnā€™t just for functions ā€” any time you open a new pair of curly braces, or block, you create a new scope. You should also know that if weā€™re declaring (and defining) inside the if statement, the condition then becomes the result of the definition, converted to a boolean. For converting a number to boolean, we ask the question ā€œIs this number not 0?ā€ If the number is 0, the boolean is false, otherwise itā€™s true.

Knowing this, we can transform a simple if declaration as such:

Both first and second are semantically the same, and produce identical assembler output from the compiler. You can prove this to yourself here: https://godbolt.org/g/zRC8BT

If you think this is a fluke or want further proof that this is the case, here you can see the C++ specification Decreeing That It Must Be So, in section [stmt.select]. Donā€™t worry if this section of this blog-post is confusing!

Part of the C++ specification. Follow the link for text.
The C++ specification shows that any variable declared inside the if condition, is hoisted to outside and available inside both the if and else statements. You can view the current C++ specification draft at http://eel.is/c++draft/stmt.select

Because of this choice, we can see that any variables declared inside the init-statement must be accessible to the else statement. This alone may not seem enough to cause the bug above, however, due to C++ā€™s resolution to the dangling else problem, it means variables declared in the init-statement must also be visible in any else-if statements.

If this is not clear, note that the following two functions are identical:

This is a really neat trick! I can already see where I can use this! šŸ˜


Having discussed with several colleagues, weā€™ve been unable to come up with a single legitimate use case for this behaviour. Every example weā€™ve considered can be rewritten in a much clearer and less surprising fashion.

To entertain the idea however, here is the sort of code you may have the misfortune of stumbling across.

Note that weā€™ve encoded some state that can be accessed via operator bool(), which will be called when we convert the data to a boolean type.

This is not immediately clear code, and itā€™s certainly astonishing. Intent has been obscured behind layers of abstraction that donā€™t provide us any real benefit.

A sad looking dog wrapped up in a blanket.
This is how your colleagues will feel if they come across you using this anti-pattern. Matthew Henry

If youā€™re suggesting against this, why was it in your code base? šŸ¤”

Thatā€™s a fair question. I was working on a data-exporter, which had to legitimately cast a pointer to one of several potential types in order to extract information for serialization. (No, polymorphism would not have been the solution here.)

It was an if-else chain, and I had copy-pasted one part, forgetting to update the variable name in the process. As shown by PVS Studioā€™s brilliant article titled The Last Line Effect, copying and pasting similar lines downwards regularly results in a bug.

To conclude

C++ is a big language, and despite having been working in it for 5 years, it still reveals new parts of itself to me every day. Itā€™s a nice reminder that, even if you think youā€™re writing code well, without static analysis tools and effective automated testing, itā€™s very easy to miswrite some code and introduce a crash to a system.

Have you come across this curiosity anywhere? Can you think of an example where it would be useful to use? Let us know on Twitter šŸ˜„

Thanks to Jessica Baker, Chantelle Porritt, Andy Bastable and Stuart Milne for proof-reading and discussions.